I had one of the best nights sleep of my life last night. My Aye Life. Our bedroom life has levelled up massively since the great lockdown of 2020. We have ploughed a lot of time into home decor, DIY and most importantly, getting cosy. Or Coorie, as it is more traditionally known in Scotland. It was a late night and involved lots of pink gin and Marvel Movies with Aye 2.0 and my cool dog and kittens. We finally dragged ourselves to bed at 3am. I’d been burning a Sandwick Bay “seagrass” candle, and I had our bed made beautifully with fresh bedding and our new tartan blanket co blanket. I even put Ostara lavender essential oil drops on my pillow.
A good nights sleep, in a comfortable bed, is crazy important to me. I suffered from insomnia for nearly 8 months and although that has now (thankfully) been banished from my little world, it took a couple of years to get back to some kind of “normal” sleep. So I now make a huge thing out of our bed. Oil diffusers, bouncy and comfy cuddle pillows, crisp sheets. All the things for a great nights shut AYE.
The Sweetest Thing

The Tartan Blanket Co, a fab wee Scottish business based in Edinburgh, make recycled wool tartan blankets and scarves. I initially spoke to them as I was looking for a picnic blanket for a Scottish garden brunch.They sent me the gorgeous Stewart Muted Blue blanket. Although our garden brunch was a great success, I didn’t expect the blanket to be such a phenomenal match to our brand new bedroom design, and our “Herbage” wall feature from Photowall Sweden. The colours were made for each other!
We love Scotland, and we are missing exploring it. So we are trying to make our home as cosy, Scottish and contemporary as possible. So that when we can’t be on the road, we can still “explore Scotland” and celebrate all things Scottish. Aye 2.0 is doing a particularly good job of this; I think we are on single malt bottle no. 15, since March… Send help.
We have been splitting our time between working like crazy on both The Aye Life and our digital marketing and web design business, The Aye Agency. We are also trying to renovate a 110-year-old house. Sometimes we would like to lock each other in the basement…
The Tartan Blanket Co
I’m in a situation I never thought I’d find myself in. I want tartan blanket co blankets in every single room. They are just so cosy I can’t even. Like right now, I could be hanging out with Aye 2.0 in the construction zone/livingroom. But instead, I’m cosy in bed under my tartan blanket with a lovely candle burning. This is my happy place. Here’s where to shop sustainable tartan.
**Stewart blue tartan blanket gifted, opinions mine and glorious**