Where the Bad Girls go
My first experience with Bad Girl Bakery was a memorable one. It was 4am and we had taken the Caledonian Sleeper to Preston, as opposed to London, for a trip to Blackpool. Keep up. There was a wee tap on the door from the tr-attendant who was bearing gifts of scent-iful proportions. Breakfast cupcakes and bacon. I can’t eat bacon at 4am unless I’m drunk or yeah, drunk. But I can eat cake anytime. Which is both impressive and one of my greatest downfalls? This cake was good. This cake was a Bad Girl Bakery cake. And it well and truly made an impression.
Pour Some Sugar
So, it breaks our little hearts that so many cracking wee Scottish businesses have been hit right between the goolies by COVID-19 and all its poopy side effects. But one thing about the Scottish is that we are resilient AF. The same can be said for Bad Girl Bakery in Muir of Ord.
Bad Girl Bakery

When we visited the cake crew back in 2018, the cafe was packed with humans and social distancing meant coming off Facebook for the night. So when the news hit that hospitality was to become basically a dead zone for 4 months, I panicked on behalf of our whopping great food industry. What was to become of us?
Thankfully, things are starting to get back to the new normal while Scottish businesses continue to emerge like energetic frogs out of the pandemic puddle. And we ain’t being held down. Diversification is thick in these here parts and Bad Girl Bakery is no exception.
Makin’ the bakin’
Between makin’ the cafe a bakin’ destination, a fabulously vintage wee shoppy and still a hotspot for one of the best Highland lunches, BGB ain’t stopping for nothin’. Social distancing rules may still remain in place and hand sanitiser may well greet you with a boozy hello. But the cakes are still coming thick and fast and owner Jeni is still wiping the tears from her eyes over the insane support this resilient wee Highland cafe has received from both the community and long term Bad Girl fans.
Sweet Hearts
Jeni and crew sent us away with enough cake to start a cakery and there were literally no complaints. Not even one. They gave us sausage rolls the size of welly boots (only a slight exaggeration) and boxes upon boxes of tarts, cupcakes and crispy cakes. All of which were gifted. It’s a hard job but someone’s got to do it.
My absolutely favourite sweet piece from BGB was their creme brûlée cupcake, it was absolute sex. I also adored how sweet and vintage the shop looked inside, proper back in time stuff.
If you haven’t already popped over to Bad Girl Bakery, but you’re a wee bit obsessed with good food, or baking, now is your time. What you don’t eat at the time, you can pick up to make later. They do wee baggies of ingredients so you can be an at-home bad girl. If you aren’t already. Wink.